*"Nothing is true, everything is permitted."an exploration of : Venomkit, the assassin of shadows and heir of the shadow queen and toygerAPPLICATION FOR DAWNSTAR AND SLYTIGER KIT ON WCO(WARRIOR CATS ONLINE) DO NOT COPY.

roleplay examples

The clearing is cold today. Frost bites at the few leaves that still cling to the slim branches of the trees shadowing the camp. You see a single cat lurking among the undergrowth that lines the outskirts of the clearing. They are watching. Watching what exactly you are unsure. Deep green eyes, flecked with amber flicker over the pale horizon. You are not unoticed for long. Twisting their head around, she staqres at you, unblinking. A few seconds pass until she finally speaks, a subtle smile lingering on her lips. "Mornin', lookin for something precious as well, I see?" The tabby tilts her head quizzically with a mischevious flash of her abnormally long fangs.
   Cat from different clan
You are wandering near Herondive Hollow today, on a little solo patrol. All is still but the fesling of being watched dawns on you. Before you have time to react, a powerful force knocks you down in a tumble of claws and fur. Peering down at you is a tiger like molly with knife like fangs. Huge talons dig into your flesh as she stands over you. She has you pinned, you are the prey and have been caught by a predator. "Why hello there, darlin'. Not sure ya notcied but ya were gettin' awefully close to the border." Her voice rolls with the hint of a purr as she speaks. Soothing but chilling at the same time. Pain shoots through you as her claws sink deeper into your pelt. "Can't have ya doing that now, can we?"

   Cats outside clans.
The world around you seems to be full of danger. A trail of blood prompted you to discover the source of this eerie sight. Suddenly, the crimson droplets stop. You look up as you feel eyes burn into your pelt. Perched on the branches hanging above you, is a massive she cat. Intensity burns in those amber flecked orbs as the two of you stare at each other in silence. Unexpectedly, A large grin breaks onto her maw. "I was hoping I'd come along someone out here" She coos, black ears perked up. "Now I don't have to be alone... for a while...ya wanna play a game?"
   Family and friends
"Hiya there, (insert nickname)!" Venom saunters up to you with a toothy smile. Instantly nuzzling you and covering you in cuddles...along with a few playful nips. "Hey, hey, wanna go on an adventure of sorts?" Headbutting your shoulder gently she looks up to you, feigning desperation with a gleam in those deep green eyes. "It'll be fun! I promise ya!" Before you can give an answer she's already half herding, half pushing you out the camp entrance. There's no getting away from her.


•   name   :   Venomkit(Venompaw, Venomsong)
•   alias   :   Ven, Viper, Fangs, Mini Toyger, Toygress, Toyger cub
•   gender   :  Demigirl (She/ They)
•   orientation   :   TBD
•   Breed   :
•   Rank   :   kit
•   Theme song   :  A Human's Touch
•   voice claim(s)   :   Chel (the road to el dorado)
•   eyes   :   Deep green with flecks of warm amber
•   Texture   :   Sleek
•   height   :   Taller and larger than average
•   weight   :   Slightly heavier than average
•   build   :   Muscular and lean like a tiger
•   Colours   :  Different shades of chocolate brown and black
•   markings   :   Braided tabby with paler accents
•   other   : Very long, sharp fangs that can be seen even when her mouth is closed and a forked tail
•   alignment   : Chaotic neutral
•   traits   :  (+) Charming, Charismatic, Social, Confident, Clever (-) Mischievous, Apathetic, Disrespectful, Deceptive•   likes   :   Family, friends, competions, battles, talking, danger, stories, play fights, tricks•   dislikes   :  Cats who can't take a joke, snow, being interrupted, going to the med den, being wrong, admitting defeat

•   birthplace   :  Shadowclan
•   current residence   :   Shadowclan
•   nuclear family   :   Dawnstar(mother), Slytiger(father), Unchosen siblings
•   extended family   :   Lostspark, Mossfreckle, Arkduo kits, Sleepysunrise
•   crushes   :
•   significant other   :
•   children   :
       + POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES : Charismatic and charming Venomkit gets this from her father. She's a smooth talker who can charm and lure a cat upon first meeting them. Her laid back and apparently friendly attitude is what draws cats in. Something about her is magnetic, mabye it's that gleaming smile or her alluring voice.Confident and Social Talking to cats is a breeze for Venom. Everything about her oozes confidence from the way she walks to the way she speaks. It appears she's completely sure of herself in everything she does. Willingly chatting with any cat that catches her eye, riveting conversations is what she lives for...and gaining information. Insecurity isn't something that affects her, or at least she doesn't show it does.Clever and Resourceful Despite her not seeming like a very smart cat, Venom is quite clever when she needs to be. She picks up things quickly and works out solutions to problems quicker than the average cat. She also uses whatever is around her to help her succeed. Whever it be the environment to help her hunt or sometimes twoleg objects for another challenge.Determined and Ambitious As she grows older her ambitions will as well. It will start minor, from winning a game of mossball to catching the most prey. She wants to prove she can do anything anyone else can but better. This makes her extremely driven in anything she puts her mind to, no matter the significance she will do anything to improve and not give up until she has achieved that. - NEGATIVE ATTRIBUTES : Sneaky and Deceptive Despite seeming like an open book, few cats truly know much about Venom since she keeps a lot to herself. Has a tendency to easedrop and lies a lot even without realising it. Causes her to be amazing at manipulating cats, usually through blackmail but will reinforce it with claws if she has to. Does not bluff.Reckless and Impulsive Has no regard for her safety or life whatsoever. Will willingly put herself in danger, usually for fun or to take an unnecessary risk. Actively seeks out danger since she is bored easily and lives for the adrenaline rush. Hardly ever thinks before doing something. If she wants to do something she will and not think about the consequences of her actions.Prideful and Arrogant Takes a lot of pride in her own achievements. Has a hard time admitting defeat or that she was wrong. Believes she is superior to most and can't stand being lest capable than others. She simply can't stand being less great than anyone else,because it makes her feel worthless.Mischevious and Apathetic A trickster at heart, Venom tends to play tricks on many cats due to her unsatisfied boredom. Mostly it's just simple jokes but she does take it too fsr. She struggles to see when she's in the wrong or when she's hactually hurt others because to her it's all just fun and games. Mostly she's just unaware of other cats emotions but does intentionally have a cruel streak when she's near cats she despises.


___*** Thunder booms through the world as rain washes the earth anew. Wind howls like some beast in agony as lightning cracks and strikes from the heavens, an angered god's punishment. Two cats stand through this mighty storm, oblivious to it's fury. Staring into each others' souls. Their past, present and future has brought them together for this very moment. Any previous whispers were drowned out by the cries of the tempest but a few words could be heard just as their meeting was coming to a close. "You don't want to do this...your mind is in a haze. You are not a fool until you ignore common sense." The words of the cat are wise, yet their companion does not seem to think so. A deep laugh erupts from their maw before they grin, a terrible grinl I'm not ignoring anything but you. Call me a fool but you'll be the one lost in the haze when I'm on the throne.

Heard ya need a cat knocked out, huh?" A rather cheery voice chirps as a large shecat saunters up to you. Amber flecked eyes shining with malicious glee. You had previously been looking for an assasin to murder someome due to...reasons. Somehow, word got to this unfamiliar toygress. She looks like the perfect specimen. Huge fangs, sharp claws and a muscular body but with a seemingly quick mind and silver tongue. The perfect killing machine. You two negotiate for a while. Who? How? The price for the eliminating of a life. All those juicy details. And so, the contract is made. Only a day passes before the she returns, seemingly unchanged...except for her fangs covered in blood. "The job's done. Now pay up."

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Plot Ideas

Attempts to hunt down a predator terrorising Shadowclan one day for the thrill of it and to make her parents proud. Either fails miserably and gains a permanent injury(including trauma!) or succeds and brings home it's pelt, essentially becoming the predator hunter of Shadowclan and continues it for sport and clout despite the risks, eventually moving on to more and more dangerous creatures.

Devises a plot to kill the high rank of another clan due to some wrong committed by them. Will either succed(if I can find someone to agree) and bring back the slaughtered's pelt, presumably causing a war between Shadowclan and the rival clan of fail miserably and escapes barely with her life and goes into self exile out of shame, becoming an outsider.

Falls in love with a cat outside the clans one day and starts a secret relationship with them. One day they are caught by a Shadowclan cat and her lover is killed and she is brought sback to the clan in shame. Finds out she is pregnant with their kits and convinces a Shadowclan warrior to act as their second parent. In conclusive from there.


@Undertaker. Dawnstar "Love ya mammy! You're so cool and powerful! Hope I don't outshine ya!" Adores and cherishes her mother. Doesn't exactly understand her rank fully but loves her all the same.@Lillian. Slytiger "Love ya pappy! I'll be as charming and smart as ya one day! Just ya wait and see!" Loves and cherishes her father just as much as her father. Looks up to him a lot.@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !

@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !@URL. character name little blurb about relationship if you want !